Harmonic Minor....Learn the both two scale in all position ....
“The guitar is a small orchestra. It is polyphonic. Every string is a different color, a different voice.”
- Andre Segovia
Minggu, 06 November 2011
Jumat, 21 Oktober 2011
Buying your first guitar (Indonesia Language Version)
Kesan pertama katanya ga terlupakan... begitu juga dengan Gitar. Gitar pertama ga bakalan terlupakan. Suka duka memiliki gitar pertama akan terbawa terus sampai jauh-jauh hari, terutama jika kemudian orang tersebut menjadi musisi.
Cerita diatas adalah fase dimana seseorang telah membeli gitar pertamanya. Sekarang kita akan bahas momen pembelian gitar pertama tersebut. Salah memilih gitar bisa berakibat fatal karena kesan yang muncul tidak seperti yang kita harapkan. Akhirnya, hasrat yang besar untuk bermain gitarpun hancur karena ternyata gitar tak semenarik yang diharapkan (karena salah beli gitar).
Ada beberapa pertimbangan yang harus disadari sebelum membeli gitar pertama.
Selamat membeli gitar baru dan selamat belajar gitar. Pengen jago main gitar? Hubungi saya ya , saya adalah instruktur gitar.
Cerita diatas adalah fase dimana seseorang telah membeli gitar pertamanya. Sekarang kita akan bahas momen pembelian gitar pertama tersebut. Salah memilih gitar bisa berakibat fatal karena kesan yang muncul tidak seperti yang kita harapkan. Akhirnya, hasrat yang besar untuk bermain gitarpun hancur karena ternyata gitar tak semenarik yang diharapkan (karena salah beli gitar).
Ada beberapa pertimbangan yang harus disadari sebelum membeli gitar pertama.
- Gitaris idola
Gitaris idola mungkin adalah jawaban dari semua masalah kita . Jika kamu memiliki gitaris idola, sangat mudah untuk menentukan gitar yang akan kamu beli. Jika senang Paul Gilbert misalnya, maka kita memang lebih suka musik Rock. Dan tentu saja kamu sangat mungkin suka dengan Ibanez Signature nya Paul Gilbert. Problem solved. Silahkan langsung meluncur ke Toko musik terdekat.
Jika kamu gemar dengan Steve Vai, atau mungkin Joe Satriani atau gitaris Rock lainnya yang senang mengeluarkan suara-suara aneh, mungkin kamu butuh gitar dengan type bridge nya Up down tremolo bar... jadi nada bisa dinaikin atau duturunin pitch nya.
Jika kamu menggemari Al Dimeola, Jubing Kristianto, atau bahkan Andre Segovia, maka kamu butuh Gitar Klasik... bukan elektrik :D
Nah jika kamu ternyata gemarnya Anji Drive atau Charlie ST12, kamu bukan pengen jadi gitaris, tapi Vokalis...ga perlu nerusin baca artikel ini lagi heheheh. - Jenis musik yang digemari
Terkadang, seorang calon gitaris tertarik pada seorang gitaris tapi merasa ga bakalan sejago idolanya. So dia juga enggan beli gitar yang digunakan idolanya. Nah, untuk kondisi ini, silahkan melihat ke jenis musik yang digemari. Jika senang Rock, mungkin Ibanex RG atau Les Paul bisa dipertimbangkan. Tapi tidak ada pakem untuk paduan gitar dan alat musiknya. Yang penting kamu nyaman ketika mainnya. - Situasi yang dihadapi
Let say kamu menggemari Yngwie Malmsteen (gitar Strat nya dilengkapi dengan pickup yang berbeda dan scalloped fretboard). Tapi kamu juga sadar bahwa kamu pengennya jadi gitaris kafe. Maka kamu bisa memilih gitar yang lebih “umum”, misalnya Stratocaster atau mungkin PRS. Tapi sekali lagi, ga harus sekaku itu, baca lagi point 2. Cukup pelajari teknik permainannya saja. - Budget
Dulu, budget ini adalah topik yang bisa menghancurkan impian para gitaris, karena waktu itu memang belum banyak varian merek gitar yang beredar. Sekarang, sudah banyak gitar dengan kualitas OK namun harga tetap terjangkau.. Sebut saja OLP, Squier, Beberapa seri Epiphone, Cort, beberapa seri Ibanez. Jadi jika budget kita terbatas, santai aja.. masih banyak gitar yang bisa kita beli. - Baru atau Second?
Nah, ada beberapa persepsi mengenai hal ini. Buat para gitaris, terkadang membeli gitar second ada keasyikannya.... beberapa alasannya adalah “kayunya udah jadi”, “dapat gitar dengan harga kualitas lebih baik daripada harus beli baru dengan harga yang sama”. Hanya saja, kamu harus benar-benar mengerti gitar agar tidak tertipu. Gitaris pemula mungkin cenderung lebih memilih gitar baru dari toko. Sensasi rasanya memang ga bisa tergantikan. Yang penting jangan jadi gitaris dengn keingan minjem doank.... Alias Cuma
minjem gitar :D - Kelengkapan lainnya.
Jika kita punya maksimal budget 2 juta, sebaiknya jangan beli gitar seharga 2 juta. Jangan lupa, gitar elektrik butuh strap, kabel jack, Amplyfier mungkin, atau efek gitar. Jika kamu memang berangan-angan ingin memiliki suara gitar yang agak-agak mirip Paul Gilbert, jangan lupa, minimal kamu butuh Efek gitar Distortion lho.... Hanya saja, sekarang amplyfier untuk gitar sudah menyertakan beberapa efek suara didalamnya. - Gitar dari Toko atau Luthier?
Gitar dari Toko memang cenderung berbentuk umum dan banyak yang sama (memang itu pengertian umum sih :D ). Tapi Quality Control dari Toko cenderung merata. Jika kamu menggunakan jasa Luthier (pengrajin gitar), kamu dapat gitar dengan bentuk yang unik sesuai dengan keinginanmu, tapi saat ini banyak gitaris yang mengeluh dengan kualitas dari Gitar Custom yang mereka dibuat oleh Luthier lokal (well, banyak juga luthier yang bagus, tapi ya jangan lupa... ada gaya ada harga) - Masih bingung?....
Dengan tips diatas, masih juga bingung? Udah de, coba kamu inget-inget kapan kamu mulai seneng main gitar... Gitar siapa yang kamu pakai? Nah, belilah gitar yang sama dengan gitar tersebut. - Masih juga bingung?
Well, coba lagi kamu ingat-ingat... jangan-jangan kamu ga seneng main gitar. Senangnya main Drum... Nah kalau sudah begitu, silahkan cari artikel lain untuk panduan membeli Drum hehehe.
Selamat membeli gitar baru dan selamat belajar gitar. Pengen jago main gitar? Hubungi saya ya , saya adalah instruktur gitar.
Senin, 26 September 2011
Spontaneous Guitar Solo
Actually, i recorded this on 2o10 May. But still, this is a good solo guitar I think hahaha
Please enjoy. No tab for this... I was just messing arround with my small guitar.
Please enjoy. No tab for this... I was just messing arround with my small guitar.
B Major Lick by using Open String
A good lick means memorable lick and when we talk about memorable, sometimes need no SPEED in it. But, it sometimes....
So, this is Sometimes.....
A simple Q & A lick. Works fine with clean, distorted, even with violin or flute sound :D
As you see, the Key is on B, with I IV V I progression.

Guitar Pro Version
So, this is Sometimes.....
A simple Q & A lick. Works fine with clean, distorted, even with violin or flute sound :D
As you see, the Key is on B, with I IV V I progression.
Guitar Pro Version
Selasa, 06 September 2011
Selasa, 21 Juni 2011
Open Chord Technique for Major, Minor and dominant Chord
Sometimes guitarist to focus on Playing solo. The result is that the Rhythm (Comping) become a second grade technique.
We can also "show off" when doing Comping and one of the best way is to learn many shape of scale (Chord Inversion).
Below I give you some very useful idea. Learn and feel the different. I use A Chord with open string. We call this Open Chord.
Major Shape

Minor Shape

Dominant Chord

More Chord to come, just stay tune :)
We can also "show off" when doing Comping and one of the best way is to learn many shape of scale (Chord Inversion).
Below I give you some very useful idea. Learn and feel the different. I use A Chord with open string. We call this Open Chord.
Major Shape
Minor Shape
Dominant Chord
More Chord to come, just stay tune :)
Selasa, 17 Mei 2011
Circle of Fifth/Fourth
This is absolutely one of the most important foundation in music theory. By knowing Circle of fifth (some also call it with circle of fourth), we will understand few things.....

1. Clock wise...
We know that That G Has 1 Sharp(#) on its Scale... D has 2 sharps on its scale.
It is easy to find out actually. The Formula is this
Count 5 steps from C, and we will get G, and the notes are G A B C D E F G. Add # to the last note before G. The notes become G A B C D E F# G. So that's the G Major Scale.
Next Scale would be 5 Steps from G, and we get D Notes. The notes are D E F# G A B C# D.
F# we get from the previous Scale and C# is the formula.
5 steps from D would be A, and the notes are A B C# D E F# G# A.
C D E F G A B C Neutral
G A B C D E F# G 1 Sharp
D E F# G A B C# D 2 Sharp
A B C# D E F# G# A 3 Sharp
E F# G# A B C# D# E 4 Sharp
B C# D# E F# G# A# B 5 Sharp
F# G# A# B C# D# E# F# 6 Sharp
C# D# E# F# G# A# B# C# 7 Sharp
In case you confuse about E# and F. They are the same notes, and 1 notes with more than one name called enharmonic. Why it call E# instead of F? becuase in music theory, we call name according to formula.
2. Counter Clock Wise ( Circle of Fourth)
By looking the circle Counter Clock Wise, we could see another scale, and start with F. Why F, because it is 4 steps after C.
F G A B C D E F, and put b(flat) symbol and the fourth note, in this case would be Bb.
Next note are 4 notes after F, the Bb, and dont forget to alse put b(flat) symbol ont the fourt note Bb C D Eb F G A Bb
The whole would be....
F G A Bb C D E F
Bb C D Eb F G A Bb
Eb F G Ab Bb C D Eb
Ab Bb C Db Eb F G Ab
Db Eb F Gb Ab Bb C Db
Gb Ab Bb Cb Db Eb F Gb
Fyi, Gb actually same with F# scale, but in music theory, it is Wrong if you write Gb Scale by using notes on F# scale, even though they are same in sound.
3. Relative minor
From the circle wi know that efery major scale has it's own minor relative. such G major scale is has E minor as relative minor. etc etc
4. On Staff
We know how to writed 1 sharp Scale untill 7# scale on our Staff.
1. Clock wise...
We know that That G Has 1 Sharp(#) on its Scale... D has 2 sharps on its scale.
It is easy to find out actually. The Formula is this
Count 5 steps from C, and we will get G, and the notes are G A B C D E F G. Add # to the last note before G. The notes become G A B C D E F# G. So that's the G Major Scale.
Next Scale would be 5 Steps from G, and we get D Notes. The notes are D E F# G A B C# D.
F# we get from the previous Scale and C# is the formula.
5 steps from D would be A, and the notes are A B C# D E F# G# A.
C D E F G A B C Neutral
G A B C D E F# G 1 Sharp
D E F# G A B C# D 2 Sharp
A B C# D E F# G# A 3 Sharp
E F# G# A B C# D# E 4 Sharp
B C# D# E F# G# A# B 5 Sharp
F# G# A# B C# D# E# F# 6 Sharp
C# D# E# F# G# A# B# C# 7 Sharp
In case you confuse about E# and F. They are the same notes, and 1 notes with more than one name called enharmonic. Why it call E# instead of F? becuase in music theory, we call name according to formula.
2. Counter Clock Wise ( Circle of Fourth)
By looking the circle Counter Clock Wise, we could see another scale, and start with F. Why F, because it is 4 steps after C.
F G A B C D E F, and put b(flat) symbol and the fourth note, in this case would be Bb.
Next note are 4 notes after F, the Bb, and dont forget to alse put b(flat) symbol ont the fourt note Bb C D Eb F G A Bb
The whole would be....
F G A Bb C D E F
Bb C D Eb F G A Bb
Eb F G Ab Bb C D Eb
Ab Bb C Db Eb F G Ab
Db Eb F Gb Ab Bb C Db
Gb Ab Bb Cb Db Eb F Gb
Fyi, Gb actually same with F# scale, but in music theory, it is Wrong if you write Gb Scale by using notes on F# scale, even though they are same in sound.
3. Relative minor
From the circle wi know that efery major scale has it's own minor relative. such G major scale is has E minor as relative minor. etc etc
4. On Staff
We know how to writed 1 sharp Scale untill 7# scale on our Staff.
Rabu, 11 Mei 2011
Cool and tricky delay lesson
Selasa, 10 Mei 2011
Tapping Steve Vai and John Petrucci Style
Actually, Eddie Van Hallen has already use this lick. Just an Idea from their tapping lick...Please enjoy.
Minggu, 08 Mei 2011
Major Scale Formula
Major Scale is the most common scale (besides minor scale of course) in any music composition, from Brit to jaz, from ethnic to country. Here I give the formula of major Scale.
I give C Major as example, because there are no sharp(#) and Flat(b) on this scale. It's a natural major scale.
I give C Major as example, because there are no sharp(#) and Flat(b) on this scale. It's a natural major scale.
Jumat, 06 Mei 2011
Harmonic Minor
Harmonic minor could be one of the most dramatic scale on earth :). Since this scale is not "common" scale, so it also need special case to use it for your improvisation.
But, trust me, this is a very nice scale... you can easily feel the exotic and dramatic taste.
Ok, this is the Scale for Harmonic Minor

But, trust me, this is a very nice scale... you can easily feel the exotic and dramatic taste.
Ok, this is the Scale for Harmonic Minor
1 2 3b 4 5 6b 7 1
For A Harmonic minor, the notes become
For A Harmonic minor, the notes become
A B C D E F G# A
Here the scale.
Here the scale.
Harmonic Minor Scale Harmony with 7ths

Modes and Creation Chord are below
1) Aeolian #7 - A B C D E F G# - AmMaj7(b6)
2) Locrian #6 - B C D E F G# A - Bm7b5/Bdim7
3) Ionian #5 - C D E F G# A B - Cmaj7#5
4) Dorian #4 - D E F G# A B C - Dm7(#11)
5) Phrygian #3 - E F G# A B C D - E7(b9,b13)
6) Lydian #2 - F G# A B C D E - Fmaj7(#9)
7) Mixolydian #1 - G# A B C D E F - G#dim7
Ok Here we go... we are goin to master all notes in our fretboard... the only way is to learn and practice... but I stongly recommend you to learn this way....
1st Modes - Aeolian #7
Modes and Creation Chord are below
1) Aeolian #7 - A B C D E F G# - AmMaj7(b6)
2) Locrian #6 - B C D E F G# A - Bm7b5/Bdim7
3) Ionian #5 - C D E F G# A B - Cmaj7#5
4) Dorian #4 - D E F G# A B C - Dm7(#11)
5) Phrygian #3 - E F G# A B C D - E7(b9,b13)
6) Lydian #2 - F G# A B C D E - Fmaj7(#9)
7) Mixolydian #1 - G# A B C D E F - G#dim7
Ok Here we go... we are goin to master all notes in our fretboard... the only way is to learn and practice... but I stongly recommend you to learn this way....
1st Modes - Aeolian #7
Selasa, 26 April 2011
Whole Tone Sequence
Here I Give 2 idea to understand and to know better the shape of Whole Tone scale. I believe the one of the best way to know the shape is by learn the Sequence. So, here they are....
Whole Tone Scale
From the name, I believe we all know that the meaning of this scale is scale that has Major second interval to the next note, so the formula is:
1 2 3 4# 5# 6# 1(Octave)
For A Whole Tone scale, the notes are: A B C# D# E# G A
E# has enharmonic name, F :) . Here below I give the notes ...

A Whole Tone Scale

C Whole Tone Scale

E Whole Tone Scale
For the example, we will learn A whole Tone Scale. There are few shape in guitar that we may apply according to our style. Let see....

In Figure .01 we see a nice shape in guitar fretboard. It ease us on remembering the shape. Many guitar book recommend this shape. But, of course, still we have option, like figure .02 below.

For A Whole Tone scale, the notes are: A B C# D# E# G A
E# has enharmonic name, F :) . Here below I give the notes ...
A Whole Tone Scale
C Whole Tone Scale
E Whole Tone Scale
For the example, we will learn A whole Tone Scale. There are few shape in guitar that we may apply according to our style. Let see....
In Figure .01 we see a nice shape in guitar fretboard. It ease us on remembering the shape. Many guitar book recommend this shape. But, of course, still we have option, like figure .02 below.
On figure .02, I believe this shape suitable for guitarist who use economic picking. You also may reduce the last not the first string to create an up stroke picking. The good of this shape also is that you will feel a wider range in. The last note is G, Major second below the A Third octave.

Figure .03 also suitable for economic pickers :) , Just be careful with the 1 not only in D String.
For the lick, please go to this page>>
Figure .03 also suitable for economic pickers :) , Just be careful with the 1 not only in D String.
For the lick, please go to this page>>
Pentatonic scale are five note scale. There are many different pentatonic scale scales and we will start with the major pentatonic scale.
The Formula for Major Pentatonic is 1 2 3 5 6, in C it will be C D E G A note. the notes are below.

The Formula for Major Pentatonic is 1 2 3 5 6, in C it will be C D E G A note. the notes are below.
Since I use G Major pentatonic, I also give the G major Pentatonic, the notes are G A B D and E.

In C Major Pentatonic, the name also A minor Pentatonic, came from the relative minor name. In G Major Pentatonic, the relative would be E Minor Pentatonic. Now we know that by knowing the Major Pentatonic, we automatically learn also Minor Pentatonic.
Below I Give the common shape of Pentatonic.
I believe many of us know that shape but sometimes the way we play pentatonic looks and sound similar to other, because we play according to the shape above. Here I give other perspective to the Pentatatonic Approach.
The idea is to learn the shape horizontally, not vertically. So we I show the shape in 2 strings. Here they are.

The sequence in string 6 (E) and 5(A)

The sequence in string 5(A) and 4(D)

The sequence in string 4(D) and 3(G)

The sequence in string 3(D) and 2(B)

The sequence in string 2(B) and 1(E)
I hope by learning that sequence above, we will have "another road" to express our pentatonic scale.
Below I Give the common shape of Pentatonic.
I believe many of us know that shape but sometimes the way we play pentatonic looks and sound similar to other, because we play according to the shape above. Here I give other perspective to the Pentatatonic Approach.
The idea is to learn the shape horizontally, not vertically. So we I show the shape in 2 strings. Here they are.
The sequence in string 6 (E) and 5(A)
The sequence in string 5(A) and 4(D)
The sequence in string 4(D) and 3(G)
The sequence in string 3(D) and 2(B)
The sequence in string 2(B) and 1(E)
I hope by learning that sequence above, we will have "another road" to express our pentatonic scale.
Clean Sound lick 02
Clean sound is in the house. In this lick, I add Pentatonic and chromatic scale to give a color....
This is the Video
And also don't forget the tab
This is the Video
And also don't forget the tab
Senin, 25 April 2011
Major seventh Chord
As we know, a Major Seventh Chord formula is 1 3 5 7, so in D major Seventh we use D F# A and C# note. So, Chord that consist of these 4 notes must be D Major Seventh, don't have to strict on 1 3 5 7, but maybe 3 5 1 7 or 7 3 1 5 etc. It Still D Major Seventh.
Below I give the Formula of major Seventh and the Interval also.
Let see all DM7 shape that I usually use.

If you se, on Chart 01, these could be the best shape on DM7 (in my opinion) because the pitch are high, that create a clear tone.
On Chart 02, i simply move notes on E ist string to E on the 6th string, since the notes are the same. The nice idea of this is that DM7 also has different name..... F#m6 or D/C# or Cm/D
Chart 03 is very nice for rhythm chord. The notes are not as clear as the notes on Chart 01.
Below i give you table for every Major seventh Chord with the interval.
Below I give the Formula of major Seventh and the Interval also.
Let see all DM7 shape that I usually use.
If you se, on Chart 01, these could be the best shape on DM7 (in my opinion) because the pitch are high, that create a clear tone.
On Chart 02, i simply move notes on E ist string to E on the 6th string, since the notes are the same. The nice idea of this is that DM7 also has different name..... F#m6 or D/C# or Cm/D
Chart 03 is very nice for rhythm chord. The notes are not as clear as the notes on Chart 01.
Below i give you table for every Major seventh Chord with the interval.
Chord | Root | Major Third | Perfect Fifth | Major Seventh |
Cmaj7 | C | E | G | B |
C♯maj7 | C♯ | E♯ (F) | G♯ | B♯ (C) |
D♭maj7 | D♭ | F | A♭ | C |
Dmaj7 | D | F♯ | A | C♯ |
D♯maj7 | D♯ | F | A♯ | C |
E♭maj7 | E♭ | G | B♭ | D |
Emaj7 | E | G♯ | B | D♯ |
Fmaj7 | F | A | C | E |
F♯maj7 | F♯ | A♯ | C♯ | E♯ (F) |
G♭maj7 | G♭ | B♭ | D♭ | F |
Gmaj7 | G | B | D | F♯ |
G♯maj7 | G♯ | B♯ (C) | D♯ | F |
A♭maj7 | A♭ | C | E♭ | G |
Amaj7 | A | C♯ | E | G♯ |
A♯maj7 | A♯ | C | E♯ (F) | G |
B♭maj7 | B♭ | D | F | A |
Bmaj7 | B | D♯ | F♯ | A♯ |
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