But, trust me, this is a very nice scale... you can easily feel the exotic and dramatic taste.
Ok, this is the Scale for Harmonic Minor
1 2 3b 4 5 6b 7 1
For A Harmonic minor, the notes become
For A Harmonic minor, the notes become
A B C D E F G# A
Here the scale.
Here the scale.
Harmonic Minor Scale Harmony with 7ths

Modes and Creation Chord are below
1) Aeolian #7 - A B C D E F G# - AmMaj7(b6)
2) Locrian #6 - B C D E F G# A - Bm7b5/Bdim7
3) Ionian #5 - C D E F G# A B - Cmaj7#5
4) Dorian #4 - D E F G# A B C - Dm7(#11)
5) Phrygian #3 - E F G# A B C D - E7(b9,b13)
6) Lydian #2 - F G# A B C D E - Fmaj7(#9)
7) Mixolydian #1 - G# A B C D E F - G#dim7
Ok Here we go... we are goin to master all notes in our fretboard... the only way is to learn and practice... but I stongly recommend you to learn this way....
1st Modes - Aeolian #7
Modes and Creation Chord are below
1) Aeolian #7 - A B C D E F G# - AmMaj7(b6)
2) Locrian #6 - B C D E F G# A - Bm7b5/Bdim7
3) Ionian #5 - C D E F G# A B - Cmaj7#5
4) Dorian #4 - D E F G# A B C - Dm7(#11)
5) Phrygian #3 - E F G# A B C D - E7(b9,b13)
6) Lydian #2 - F G# A B C D E - Fmaj7(#9)
7) Mixolydian #1 - G# A B C D E F - G#dim7
Ok Here we go... we are goin to master all notes in our fretboard... the only way is to learn and practice... but I stongly recommend you to learn this way....
1st Modes - Aeolian #7
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